The Flash is arguably the best comic book TV show around today, which is the reason fans have speculated so much about characters on the show. One particular thing fans have been talking about a lot is the future Flash.

Many might not have seen it, but there is a striking difference between the current Flash and future Flash. Barry Allen in the present time has red on his costume's chest symbo,l while future Flash has white. What happened that caused the change in the future? We have no idea, but it appears it is time to speculate again.

We do know for a fact that there could be something different about future Barry Allen, and we are not talking just about the white symbol on his chest. According to showrunner Andrew Kreisberg at WonderCon, future Flash might be quite different when compared with current Flash.

So, who could future Flash be?

We suspect he's Barry Allen from Flashpoint, who returned to make sure that Reverse Flash did not kill his younger self, along with making sure his mother died in order to fix the timeline he messed up. Chances are, Eobard Thawne doesn't know this, or does he? We may eventually find out.

From the recent trailers of The Flash, we know that Barry is making plans to go back in time and save his mother from death, a move that would push us into the realm of Flashpoint. This is where Barry doesn't have his powers, and must recreate the events that allowed him to become the Flash.

In Flashpoint, the world is at war, and it all happened because Barry was selfish enough to save his mother and put the lives of billions at risk. By saving his mother, Barry only proves how much of an amateur he is when it comes down to time travelling, which makes us believe the writers of The Flash could allow him to save his mother sooner rather than later.

There is no reason for him to wait 5 or 10 years if he as the speed to travel back right now. Barry is clearly very excited at the prospect, so don't be surprised if the final episode of season one ends with Barry saving his mother, and the first two or three episodes of season 2 focus on the Flashpoint storyline.

We should also point out that Mirror Master is coming in season 2, something to look forward to.

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