Microsoft is preparing to enter the augmented reality market with the HoloLens — a headset that could change how we interact with technology.

Some are however suggesting that while the headset will certainly be an interesting device, it could be somewhat of a disappointment, for a number of reasons.

The first is that the HoloLens visual field is very narrow, resulting in a "blinders" effect. Though that may not seem like a huge deal, it inhibits the sense of immersion. This is especially true when it comes to gaming. The HoloLens is expected to be adapted as a gaming headset, but given the narrow field of vision, the experience will be drastically different.

Essentially, while holograms might fill an entire area, seeing them all would demand a lot more from the users themselves. Seeing everything would require users to turn their heads more than they would have to otherwise — even having to turn around completely.

It's important to note that the current HoloLens models may not be the final versions. The ones being used at present are probably still prototypes, and their field of vision could expand with further development.

Reports state that the models at Microsoft's Build developer conference have a narrower field of vision than the prototypes shown back in January — suggesting that a trade-off was made for improved performance or battery life. Of course, the headset might be improved on even more before its eventual release, with Microsoft expanding the field of vision enough to truly make it the headset everyone expected.

"HoloLens is amazing technology and may well be the basis of something that will be mainstream in gaming, entertainment and industrial settings 15 years from now, but today, I still this is [as] 'in the labs,'" said Al Hilwa, an IDC analyst. "The team is clearly iterating on it quickly in a rush to get something out for folks to experiment with."

Will HoloLens live up to expectations? It's impossible to say without seeing a finalized version of the headset. As with any tech, the second and third versions of the product will probably exceed the first. Once Microsoft manifests the idea and gets feedback from users, it's likely that the headset will indeed live up to what everyone wants it to be. 

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