The future of the iPhone will be brain implants, according to a parody video created by Noka Productions. In the video, the woman's need for a new iPhone implant is a bit more embarrassing than pulling out a smartphone that has a cracked screen or using an outdated model.

This is near future stuff. The parody video, set to music with Feist's Tout Doucement, depicts life with the next generation of iPhone, the iPhone 7.

"iPhones and similar smartphones are now an integral part of our modern life, and in a way, beginning to alter who we are," stated Noka Films. "To ridicule our addiction to our smartphones, we played out a world where this technological evolution may one day take over us."

Don't worry Android fans. We've got you covered. Here's what it may or may not look like when someone needs to upgrade to an Android 6.0 Skittles Pie:

Brain implants may seem a bit too exotic and far off into any future anyone can predict right now, but the technology world is headed down that path. However, as consumers form opinions about wearable tech, the catalyst, Jonathan LeBlanc, PayPal's head of global developer advocacy, recently began promoting ingestible tech among the many alternative for password storage he presented on his "Kill All Passwords" tour.

"As long as passwords remain the standard methods for identifying your users on the web, people will still continue to use 'letmein' or 'password123' for their secure login, and will continue to be shocked when their accounts become compromised," LeBlanc stated.

LeBlanc argues that traditional username and password pairs need to die off in order to improve the security of life on and offline. Some of the fringe methods for storing digital credentials included ingestible tokes, nerve mapping, body scanners and even brain implants.

"I can't speculate as to what PayPal will do in the future, but we're looking at new techniques - we do have fingerprint scanning that is being worked on right now - so we're definitely looking at the identity field," Leblanc said. 

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