May 19, 2016 marks what would have been the 70th birthday of Andre The Giant.

At over 7 feet and 500 pounds, André René Roussimoff was literally larger than life. He made his name in the pro wrestling ranks and even on the big screen as a movie star, before his untimely death in 1993 at the age of 46. Looking back at his life, we decided to compile our five favorite legendary tales about Andre the Giant.

He Once Drank More Than 125 Beers in One Sitting

Some of Andre's old friends vouched for this urban legend during a sitdown with WWE Classics, recalling their own tales of the former WWF champion downing 127 beers — or even more. There are also accounts of Andre needing two liters (or half a gallon) of vodka just to catch a buzz. Sheesh! This has got to be the most legendary Andre the Giant tale of them all.

Could Eat Over a Dozen Lobsters And A Dozen Steaks In One Sitting

Andre's ability to drink in mass quantity was matched by a huge appetite for food. Ex-WWE ref Tim White once told WWE Classics: "He'd go into a restaurant and eat 12 steaks and 15 lobsters. He didn't do that often, but if he felt like putting on a show and having some laughs, he'd go ahead and do that."

Andre Flung Arnold Schwarzenegger

In this sitdown with Grantland back in 2012, Arnold Schwarzenegger shared a story about once having dinner with Wilt Chamberlain and Andre the Giant. During dinner, Schwarzenegger used the old bathroom excuse to pay the bill. When Andre found out that Schwarzenegger had paid, he angrily responded by lifting Arnold right up from the table. Lifted him like a feather, of course.

He Loved His Role In The Princess Bride

Andre apparently loved his role as the gentle giant in the 1987 film so much that he reportedly carried the videotape with him while traveling to hold regular screenings, according to Biography. It probably had something to do with the fact that a Hollywood movie set would be the only place where he wasn't the main attraction.

The Rock Would Call Him "Uncle Andre"

He might have been a spectacle to everyone else, but to little Dwayne Johnson aka "The Rock," he was simply "Uncle Andre." With his grandfather and father being professional wrestlers, Johnson was born into pro wrestling, thus his friendship with Andre.

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