Next-generation console gamers have suffered from a lack of titles recently, but, fortunately, it seems that our long wait for a good survival horror title is finally at an end, at least if the new trailer for Until Dawn is any indication.

Until Dawn is the latest PlayStation 4 exclusive title. Developer Supermassive Games released a new trailer for the game today, along with a few other announcements and a release date.

We don't yet know a lot about the game, but it seems that development on it started a few years ago, but was then scrapped. Developers began again, this time with some Hollywood heavy-hitters, and have now completed the game, which hits retail shelves on Aug. 25, 2015.

You'll also noticed that a few of the characters look familiar, particularly two that are actually motion-captured performances by actress Hayden Panettiere (Heroes, Nashville) and Rami Malik (Twilight).

"When eight friends are trapped on a remote mountain retreat and things quickly turn sinister, they start to suspect they aren't alone," writes Supermassive on the official Until Dawn website. "Gripped by fear and with tensions in the group running high, you'll be forced to make snap decisions that could mean life, or death, for everyone involved."

The game also features dialogue and action choices that affect the game's storyline with each playthrough.

"With innovative choice mechanics and the Butterfly-Effect Interface, players can clearly see the path of their story amid the thousands that are possible," writes the developers. "Seemingly insignificant choices as well as huge moral dilemmas that will question your sense of fairness, good and evil, can have major unforeseen consequences."

Until Dawn won't allow gamers to go back and change decisions if they regret it later, thanks to a strict auto-save feature.

What makes Until Dawn unique, though, is that developers designed the game for multiple playthroughs, and in fact, the game won't be fully understandable if players just go through it once. Each playthrough should last around nine hours. Also, gamers won't play just one character in the game, but have a chance to step into the shoes of all the major characters.

The PlayStation 4 exclusive Until Dawn is also now available for pre-order, with every pre-purchase getting a bonus scene in the game once it releases in August.

[Photo Credit: Sony]

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