The highly anticipated fourth game in the Mass Effect series kicked off the show at EA Games' annual E3 media briefing.

The event began with an "announcement trailer" for the game, which was a brand new video made up of pre-rendered content. It was all too short, but it provided two crucial new pieces of information.

The game's official title is Mass Effect: Andromeda, and it's coming in holiday season 2016.

The name Andromeda is not just a cool-sounding code word. The trailer mentions a "whole new galaxy," and of course Andromeda is a real galaxy outside of our own Milky Way. Since most of this galaxy was pretty well-covered in the original Mass Effect trilogy, it looks like BioWare decided that the best way to tell a new story was to take things to an all new setting.

Of course, with a new galaxy comes a host of alien races to meet and worlds to colonize. The trailer also showed off a host of enticing, untamed new worlds that we can't wait to explore. We know from past previews that the Maco ground vehicle returns in the new game, but with vastly upgraded mechanics. We also know that this game — which we expect will be the first entry in a new trilogy — will star a brand new main character (and we're happy to see that our new hero still gets to use the Omni-Blade). Commander Shepard was awesome, but his/her story is done.

Take a look at the announcement trailer for an early taste of what's to come late next year.

Stay tuned for more E3 2015 coverage all week from TechTimes and T-Lounge.

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