There comes a time when one must upgrade a battalion and recruit other forces to ensure the takedown of seemingly powerful enemies.

Great news for all of you World of Warcraft: Fury of Hellfire gamers: Patch 6.2 comes your gaming way on June 23. The new patch will aid in your goals of invading and conquering enemies. Here are some cool things to expect:


Shipyards can now be added, constructed and commanded to complement your privately owned Garrisons. Players must accomplish building a shipyard to use in attacking Tanaan. Different rewards are given once missions and quests are completed, including additional and useful materials for the shipyard.


A new concept for World of Warcraft allows players to take part in new events, but it will involve a major power decrease for their characters. This is designed to introduce a new level of challenge. A series of seven different weekend Bonus Events including Timewalking dungeon and Northrend dungeon will also be introduced with patch 6.2. This feature is also applied to other older dungeons.


The ability to fly will be added in a minor patch shortly after version 6.2 is released. Gamers will only be able to use this feature after they have thoroughly explored the new regions and earned the necessary meta-achievements. It seems a lot of work for a new feature, but you have to admit: it's pretty cool to fly.

Adventure Guide

A new personalized character development suggests the content you might want to try next, making it easier to get started on the next adventure.

Tanaan Jungle Areas to Explore:

  • Ironhold Harbor
  • The Iron Front
  • Ruins of Kra'nak
  • Throne of Kil'jaeden
  • Zeth'gol
  • Temple of Shan'naar
  • Felforge

Patch 6.2 will also have Hellfire Citadel Normal and Heroic difficulties gameplay modes. All these challenges are coming your way, but one more mode to be excited about is the Mythic difficulty mode. You will just have to wait a little longer as it won't be available until June 30.

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