It may not have the same mass-market appeal like Street Fighter, but Tekken is just as revered a series by many fighting game fans. It's a deeply intricate 3D fighter franchise, with so many different movement options, juggles and ridiculous characters that it can compete with any of Capcom's titles. And, while the series has always seen moderate success in the U.S., it's a blockbuster in Japan — especially in arcades.

It's been just over 20 years since Tekken first side-stepped into the arena, and Bandai Namco didn't miss a chance to celebrate. Tekken 7 hit Japanese arcades earlier this year, and the response was similar to any other game in the franchise: players loved it. The only problem is that Bandai Namco has yet to reveal the game's console release date. The only thing players know for sure is that the game will appear at this year's EVO fighting game championship series. Otherwise, nothing has been confirmed.

That said, Bandai Namco might not keep it a secret for much longer: according to the publisher's Japanese Twitter account, a huge Tekken 7 announcement is on the way.

Once translated (via Gematsu), the tweet reads:

"On Tuesday, July 7, 2015, there will be a major announcement from the Tekken project, which recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. Please look forward to it. #Tekken7"

Of course, speculation among the community is rampant, and there are several different theories as to what this announcement might be. The safe bet is that a new character will be added into the game, as Bandai Namco has been doing exactly that for the past few months. Most seem to believe that Bandai Namco will finally reveal the game's console release date, even if it's just for Japan.

However, there are also those who believe that Namco will finally reveal Tekken vs. Street Fighter, the follow-up to Capcom's 2012 crossover brawler. It's been a long time since the games were announced, so there's a possibility that Namco is at last ready to reveal what it's been working on. That said, the publisher probably wouldn't have used a Tekken 7-branded image if it was teasing an entirely game.

At this point, it's probably safe to assume that a Japanese console release date is on its way. Bandai Namco usually doesn't make quite this big a fuss introducing new characters — and revealing when players can get their hands on the game seems like a good way to celebrate 20 years of being on the market.

One way or another, fans won't have to wait much longer: expect big Tekken 7 news on Tuesday, July 7.

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