In USA Today, DC Comics announced that it plans on adding a variety of comic book mini-series to its lineup soon, including series dedicated to fan favorite characters, such as Swamp Thing, Poison Ivy and Katana.

These eight new mini-series are all part of DC's push towards more diverse books, as well as a likely answer to Marvel's recent "All-New All-Different" campaign that saw the announcement of 42 new and relaunched titles.

Many of DC's titles will have their original creators onboard, but some will also offer a chance for fans to get a look at new artists and writers, particularly with character that we haven't seen for some time or who have never had solo outings.

First up, DC plans on bringing back Swamp Thing, with original co-creator Len Wein back on board. Wein will also take on a new Metal Men mini-series.

Women are also well-represented in the new mini-series, including a series dedicated completely to Raven from Teen Titans (written by Marv Wolfman) and a title called Katana: Cult of the Kobra by Mike W. Barr.

"When I go to comic conventions it thrills me to see all the young fans cosplaying as Raven from the Teen Titans GO! cartoon show," Wolfman told the website. "Because so many comic fans are boys, it's wonderful that there's something about her that connects with both girls and boys."

Fan favorite Batman villain Poison Ivy also gets her own mini-series, a first, in Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death. That title gets writer Amy Chu, who hopes to take the character in a new direction.

We'll also see the return of Metamorpho by Aaron Lopresti, and a new grown-up version of Keith Giffen's Sugar & Spike, featuring characters Sugar Plumm and Cecil "Spike" Wilson. This new take shows the once toddlers as adults, putting a new twist on an old favorite.

"They're not spoiled kids anymore, but they're older and they're operating as private investigators handling problems and mysteries that the superheroes can't handle themselves," says DC co-publisher Dan Didio.

Rounding out the eight mini-series is a title dedicated to Firestorm by Gerry Conway.

DC hopes that by releasing mini-series for these characters, they can gauge fan reaction and determine which ones could benefit from a full series. So if you have a favorite, be sure to collect them all.

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