It wasn't all that long ago that Heroes fans thought they'd never see their favorite characters back on TV. Sure, it made sense for NBC to try and revive one of its most popular shows ever, but there was no way of knowing whether or not anyone would actually be interested.

Given how much buzz Heroes Reborn is generating, it's safe to say there are plenty of people who are extremely excited for its return — and, with Comic-Con 2015 right around the corner, fans are eagerly anticipating any new shreds of info from NBC. Seeing as the show's first trailer debuted a while back, the network is gearing up to give fans a more detailed, in-depth look at the series' return.

But first, NBC is surprising fans with something completely different: before Heroes Reborn airs this September, two new Heroes Reborn video games will hit store shelves. Even better, Heroes Reborn: Gemini and Heroes Reborn: Enigma aren't just a couple of quick cash-ins, either: they'll be acting as prequels, and will tie directly into the TV series when it airs this fall.

First up is Heroes Reborn: Gemini, a first-person action-adventure game coming to PC and current-generation consoles later this summer. It stars Cassandra, a completely new character, as she tries to solve the mysteries behind her shady past and her new powers.

Speaking of powers, Cassandra wields both telekinesis and "localized time-travel": essentially, Cassandra can shift her current environment backward through time in order to manipulate the environment and take down her enemies. Expect a lot of time-shifting when solving puzzles — even something as simple as unlocking a door can become considerably more complicated when time travel is involved.

Heroes Reborn: Enigma, by contrast, is a first-person puzzle game: players control Dahlia, a young woman (and Cassandra's younger sister) with mysterious powers, as she tries to escape a government facility called "The Quarry." While NBC has yet to go into exactly what her powers are, Dahlia will be making an appearance on the Heroes Reborn show itself — as it stands, she's the most concrete link between the video games and the TV series.

From Tim Kring, creator of Heroes:

"HEROES REBORN: Gemini and HEROES REBORN: Enigma tell two interlocking tales of characters and environments that fans of 'HEROES REBORN' have never seen. As the first games produced by Imperative Entertainment, we wanted to make sure the games lived up to our expectations and the expectations of 'HEROES' fans. I am proud to say that the gameplay and storylines are exceptional and the games are lot of fun to play."

Sadly, there's no way to see the games in action quite yet. Don't worry — a trailer for the games is scheduled for release on Sunday, July 12, as part of the Heroes Reborn panel at Comic-Con 2015.

Heroes Reborn returns to NBC on September 24, and its two video game counterparts are also due out this September.

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