Microsoft Wants To Melt Our Hearts By Featuring Babies In The First Windows 10 Ads

Windows 10 is launching in about a week, and Microsoft wants to make sure it captures everyone's attention.

In a new promotional strategy, the company is rolling out its first Windows 10 ads where it shows off several features of the new OS along with the idea that the children of today will benefit more from its advantages than their parents.

Microsoft will be launching Windows 10 in several smaller events in cities around the world under the campaign "Upgrade your world." The company wants to encourage everyone to take advantage of the free upgrade and be able to install the system on computers that are eligible for the offer.

The voiceover in the ads says children will have an easier life because they "will grow up with Windows 10." What this actually means is that children, unlike today's adults, will no longer have to put up with the inconvenience of remembering passwords and the anxiety brought about by threats on security.

"For them, every screen is meant to be touched. And web pages are meant to be scribbled on and shared. They'll expect their devices to listen to them," the VO touts.

Microsoft's ad, "Introducing Windows 10 - The future starts now," clearly shows just how much the company understands how children learn things for the first time. Children explore new things by touching them and they can mimic a sound when they hear it. This is the promise of Windows 10.

With the new OS, each PC will have a touch-enabled screen that one can scribble on. Moreover, future devices will be more intuitive with the new OS' voice recognition feature.

The campaign also features music from Eric Hutchinson, aptly titled "Tell The World" and with lyrics that say "Let's tell the world all the things we've done." There's no doubt that Microsoft shares the same sentiment as the song. It wants to tell the world of the new features of Windows 10 as it launches on July 29.

"To bring the campaign to life, we see young children from around the world in their natural settings in Morocco, Thailand, Iceland, England and the U.S.," the Windows team said. "Supporting our mission of empowering every person and organization to achieve more, the ads show how technology should be more natural, human and intuitive, and adapt to people's needs."

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