As we get closer to the premiere of Heroes Reborn next month, promotion for the reboot of the 2006 series Heroes is picking up as well. NBC recently released two new TV promos for Heroes Reborn, and they reveal a teeny bit more about what we can expect to see from the new 13-episode series.

One of the promos sets us up for the changes that have taken place in the Heroes universe since the series ended in 2010. People with extraordinary abilities are now public enemy No. 1, and they have been forced into hiding or have been killed as a result. Accordingly, the promo shows a lot of running and fighting to stay alive on the part of heroes, or EVOs as they're called in this new series.

The other promo is much more optimistic. It begins with a voiceover narration from returning character Dr. Mohinder Suresh (Sendhil Ramamurthy) talking about making a difference and changing the world. As such, this TV spot shows the heroes more triumphant than afraid as they take on any enemies standing in their way.

Unfortunately, neither promo reveals much in the way of the abilities the new EVOs will possess in Heroes Reborn, a part from one character flying and another slamming someone against a wall using telekinesis, both of which we've seen used before on Heroes. Hopefully, Heroes Reborn will feature some clever new powers, because seeing them in action is obviously half of the fun of this franchise.

Speaking of the original series, the TV promos also feature several characters from Heroes that will pop up in this reboot. This includes the aforementioned Mohinder, Noah Bennet (Jack Coleman), Hiro Nakamura (Masi Oka), Matt Parkman (Greg Grunberg) and Angela Petrelli (Cristine Rose).

Bennet, lovingly referred to as "Horn-Rimmed Glasses" or "HRG" for short by fans, is expected to be the most prominent returning character in the new series. Seeing him climb out of some rumble in one of these TV promos makes me think he could be one of the victims of (or causes?) of the terrorist attack in Odessa, Texas that creates the hostile environment for the EVOs when Heroes Reborn begins. Angela also alludes to arriving on the scene to save everyone "from a catastrophic event," so clearly, the old guard is going to still play a major role in this new series.

Watch the two new Heroes Reborn TV promos below.

Heroes Reborn airs with a special two-hour premiere Sept. 24 on NBC.


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