Tony Todd has been cast as Professor Zoom in season 2 of The Flash, but he won't be there physically. From what we've come to understand, he will be the voice of the character.

Zoom will make his first appearance in season 2 of The Flash in the second episode. However, it is not certain if he will be the primary villain of the series since recent reports claim the writers could introduce several main villains.

It wouldn't be a good idea for the writers to use another speedster as the villain since everything would be similar to the first season. We've already seen what the Reverse Flash can do, and as such, we doubt other speedsters would be able to perform feats that are much different.

When it comes down to the reason why Professor Zoom plans to perform all his evil deeds, the reasoning will be simple, similar to the Reverse Flash.

According to producer Andrew Kreisberg, when asked about Zoom, "For us, the best villains are the ones who don't have megalomaniacal 'I want to rule the world' motivations."And Zoom has a very similar, personal goal this season... simple and easy to understand, and very primal."

Last year, the Reverse-Flash had a very simple goal which was, 'I just want to go home, and if people need to die or cities need to get wasted for me to get that, so be it.'

As for the identity of the Zoom, no one will know from the outset, but as times go by, this should change.

In the comics, Professor Zoom is Eobard Thawne, the same person who turned out to be the Reverse Flash in the first season. Since Eobard died in the first season, some might believe he could never be Professor Zoom, but we're sure the writers possess the ability to make us believe how Eobard returned from the dead.

At the end of the day, we are very excited about the prospects of seeing Professor Zoom in live action for the first time. The whole thing should be a blast.

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