It's no surprise that Star Wars: Battlefront is as popular as it is. With Episode VII hitting theaters later this year, Star Wars is back in a big way, and Battlefront is set to be most fans' first taste of the new Star Wars universe. Plus, the game is gorgeous, and it's being developed by one of the best first-person shooter studios in the world — so it's definitely got the pedigree.

Of course, such popularity comes with a price: there is no shortage of leaked footage from Battlefront's pre-alpha test floating around the Internet. Sometimes the footage is gorgeous, with skilled players really showing off what the game can do; other times, the footage looks like it was posted to YouTube circa 2002.

Thankfully, the latest batch of leaked footage – showing off 10 more minutes of the "Walker Assault" gametype – is of the former style. If you ever wanted to see what Battlefront would really look like, this is a good place to start:

For a leak, the above footage doesn't reveal all that much: it's mostly one player sitting on the side of a cliff, raining down blaster fire on stormtroopers. In fact, most of the video is relegated to that same location — don't expect to see any aerial dogfights or AT-AT turret action. Then again, this clearly isn't some PR rep struggling to learn how the game plays — so do expect to see more than a few killstreaks throughout the video.

Even with the limited showcase, the video does manage to show off just how good the game looks. While it's a far cry from the incredibly scripted trailers that EA has put out so far, the explosions and blaster fire really do sell the Star Wars universe in Battlefront. If this is how well the closed alpha plays, the full game should be even better.

If you're not a part of the closed alpha, don't worry: EA has announced that a Star Wars: Battlefront beta is coming this October... they just haven't revealed how to get in quite yet.

Star Wars: Battlefront is set for launch on November 17.

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