More than 100 flight attendants from Air India were grounded because they failed to shed some extra pounds, as outlined in an internal document that the airline circulated last year.

The crew was asked to attain a certain BMI standard or they would no longer be allowed to fly.

Although the decision seems to be discriminatory against overweight employees, Air India officials have maintained that the ruling was not made for aesthetics but rather for aircraft safety and the fitness of their flight staff.

According to reports, 600 out of the company's 3,500 employees were given a notice in May 2014 to shape up within six months or be grounded. Men were asked to maintain a BMI of 18 to 25 and female employees were requested to stay within 18 to 22.

Although many health professionals say that BMI, which measures fitness by comparing overall weight with a person's height, does not show a complete picture of one's fitness level, it remains a popular measure because it is easy to calculate.

However, 130 of the 600 employees who were given the notice, failed to reach the acceptable BMI in time for the deadline and were deemed unfit to fly in any Air India routes.

Critics of the grounding of the air staff are calling the move sexist. Most of the flight attendants who were relegated to ground duties were female. They recall a similar move the airlines made in 2013 when nine female crew members were fired for allegedly being obese, according to the company's standards.

Also, back in 2004, the airline similarly found itself in hot water when the personnel manager of the international carrier, Meenakshi Dua, defended its policy for flight attendant candidates to maintain a certain look.

"When we review a candidate, we look at the skin, teeth and height. There should be no scars, acne, or any major marks on the face," Dua said.

In its defense, Air India said the main concern is the safety of its passengers and crew while on board a flight.

"People who are fitter can respond quicker and more efficiently in case of any untoward situation," an official said.

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