The Taken King is finally here! After months of waiting, the new and improved Destiny has arrived, and so too has Xur. Everybody's favorite mysterious merchant is now packing some new, unfamiliar items that players will definitely want to check out.

If you are a Warlock enjoying the new Stormcaller subclass, you might want to consider snagging The Impossible Machines. This is the first exotic item from The Taken King that Xur has to offer. For 13 Strange Coins, the Warlock gauntlets will unlock the Landfall subclass node free of charge, allowing players to strike the ground with a bolt of lightning and unleash a devastating shock-wave.

Also in Xur's inventory this week is a new item called Three of Coins. This item has a stackable effect that increases the chance of the next "Ultra" you defeat dropping an exotic engram. A Legacy Heavy Weapon Engram has also found its way into Xur's wares. While it isn't exactly clear what these engrams hold, it sounds like they may be new and improved versions of older weapons.

The only downside to all this new gear is that players currently don't have a reliable means of obtaining Strange Coins. The weekly heroic strike, where coins could be most readily obtained, is currently unavailable. Here's hoping you've been stockpiling.

You'll find Xur in Tower North near this Speaker. Upon spawning in the Tower, turn left and go through the tunnel. Xur is on the other side. Below is his exact location, and be sure to read on for his full list of wares:

Exotic Items:

Legacy Engram - 31 Strange Coins

An Insurmountable Skullfort, exotic Titan helmet - 13 Strange Coins

Young Ahamkara's Spine, exotic Hunter gauntlets - 13 Strange Coins

The Impossible Machines, exotic Warlock gauntlets - 13 Strange Coins

Exotic Engram - 19 Strange Coins

Three of Coins - 7 Strange Coins

See you next week!

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