Two special events within Destiny's competitive multi-player mode will be coming back since The Taken King expansion was released, mostly operating as they have but will be featuring some changes as they make their first appearance in Year Two.

First up, the Iron Banner will be going live on Oct. 13, lasting for three days. It will allow level advantages, as it has in the past, but Bungie will be making adjustments in damage curves so that they work with new measurement systems in place. To participate in the event, players are advised to have a minimum of Light level 230.

Those winning matches will see better drop rates, with rewards now including armor and weapons. Match rewards can also be bought from Lord Saladin but they will no longer cost Glimmer, instead requiring Legendary Marks now. Additionally, nine daily bounties will be available, as well as three weekly bounties that offer Legendary Marks as prizes. Tempering buffs will also be automatically applied during the event, becoming more effective as each day passes.

The Trials of Osiris will follow the Iron Banner on Oct. 16. Players (ideally at least Light level 290) will still be fighting to gain nine wins before losing three times with level advantages active. However, matches will be more even, as the game attempts to pit teams with the same number of wins against each other.

Gear specific to trials will now only drop for the winners although the losing team will still get Passage Coins. Buffs should also be bought before starting a trial because they can't be added once a player begins. Get to nine wins without losing and players can still visit the Lighthouse but there is no mention if doing so will still produce the same loot. Players can keep playing after getting nine wins but chances of getting better gear will not improve. Gear acquired from drops will also automatically delivered, taking away the need to visit Brother Vance.

Destiny recently got its second hot fix since The Taken King was released. Like the first, an update was provided to fix bugs, resolving issues with spamming involving the Hammer of Sol, players not getting gear from Valus Ta'aurc and chests not offering loot.

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