Nintendo loves remastering The Legend of Zelda. First it was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D on Nintendo 3DS. Then came the HD remastering of The Wind Waker on Wii U. Then Majora's Mask on 3DS.

It only makes sense that the trend would continue, and now one fan who has dug deep into the code of the Wii U's eShop may have uncovered which Zelda game will get the remastered treatment next.

Via IGN, it looks like The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess may be the next game in line to go HD. The title was originally released in 2006 as one of the last games on the Nintendo Gamecube and one of the first on Nintendo's Wii system. It featured a darker, more realistic art style than that of previous Zelda games . It was a huge change from the cel-shaded art style of the previous console Zelda game, The Wind Waker, in particular. Considering The Wind Waker's HD remaster released in the fall of 2013, Nintendo has certainly had time to bring yet another classic Zelda title into the realm of HD.

No other details, like pricing or release date, are available at this time, and it's important to remember that none of this has been confirmed by Nintendo. Best take this information with a grain of salt, but the idea of a Twilight Princess HD remaster certainly seems like a no-brainer on Nintendo's part.

If you are hungry to see what a modern Legend of Zelda game running on state-of-the-art hardware might look like, plenty of fans have already done just that. Using the power of Unreal Engine 4, fans have virtually recreated environments from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask in beautiful high-definition.

It doesn't look like Nintendo will be making anything that looks similar anytime soon, but at least a Twilight Princess HD might make the long wait for Legend of Zelda Wii U a little more bearable.

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