Destiny received a new vendor earlier this week in the form of the Eververse Trading Company, where players can purchase new emotes and dances for Silver. But while Tess Everis may be the new vendor on the block, Xur is still the only merchant in town who can satisfy all your exotic gear needs.

Unfortunately, his selection this week isn't anything too crazy. For the first time in a couple of weeks Xur is selling an exotic weapon rather than an engram, which is a nice change of pace. The weapon is the sniper rifle Hereafter, and while it's useful, it's not one of the best snipers we've seen. Warlocks will want to look into snagging The Stag, however. The new helmet not only looks cool, but its perk of "once per life fast super charge when all teammates die" is handy in a sticky situation, as is the chance to spawn with an overshield.

Moving on to Titans, if you enjoy shotguns and the Crucible then No Backup Plans is a solid choice. The gun increases your shotgun reload speed, melee speed and makes it so kills with the shotgun trigger your force barrier perk, as well as making the shield granted by it last longer. Hunters get the short end of the stick this week with don't touch me, which features the not very impressive perk of "taking damage from a melee attack makes you briefly invisible." It's sort of useful, but Hunters have multiple ways to go invisible now with the introduction of the Nightstalker class, so having this exotic for solely invisibility isn't worth it.

As usual, Xur is also selling the Three of Coins consumable, which should boost your chances of finding some exotic and legendary engrams. He also has a legacy heavy weapon engram for sale if you are looking to round out your collection.

You'll find Xur hanging out by the Crucible Quartermasters in the Tower. Below is Xur's full list of wares.

Xur's Wares:

No Backup Plans, Titan gauntlets - 13 Strange Coins

Don't Touch Me, Hunter gauntlets - 13 Strange Coins

The Stag, Warlock helmet - 13 Strange Coins

Hereafter, exotic sniper rifle - 23 Strange Coins

Legacy heavy weapon engram - 31 Strange Coins

Three of Coins - 7 Strange Coins

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