Lara Croft just rose to (even more) coolness by acquiring the ability to use chickens as explosives in "The Rise of the Tomb Raider's" Holy Fire Card Pack.

GameStop's freshly released trailer for Crystal Dynamic's upcoming action-adventure video game showcases new cards in the bonus Holy Fire Card Pack. The card pack is included as a preorder bonus and contains the special called, in all seriousness, the Chicken Bomb, which is basically what the name describes it to be — chickens akin to hand grenades used to penetrate barriers and eliminate enemies.

Seems as if the only thing more fun that saying it is actually using it.

Players are in for an adventure as they "will have to conquer a world fiercely protecting its secrets, explore tombs filled with traps and puzzles, and craft survival gear to confront a deadly new enemy as she embarks upon her first great Tomb Raiding expedition," the game description claims.

Additional explosive devices are Holy Fire, which blasts enemies, Backfire, which causes enemies to burst into flame, and Blazing Inferno, which gives Croft an unlimited supply of arrows. The card pack also includes the Apex Predator skin and the powerful Venom Hand Cannon gun.

"Rise of the Tomb Raider" is a sequel to the 2013 game "Tomb Raider." It is scheduled for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One in Nov. 10, for Microsoft Windows in the first quarter of 2016 and for PS4 in the last quarter of 2016.

"Rise of the Tomb Raider" contains several elements from "Tomb Raider," such as player control of Croft, puzzle platforming sections and the use of improvised weapons to progress through the game. It particularly features a crafting system that gives players the chance to come up with items from scavenged materials in the environment. The game's combat is redesigned to incorporate steal and sneak attack options.

Crystal Dynamics has recently reported that "Rise of the Tomb Raider" has gone gold.

"With the game development now complete we are excited to share this incredible next chapter in Lara's journey as she continues her growth into the ultimate action adventure icon, and accepts her destiny to become the Tomb Raider," says Darrell Gallagher, Head of product development at Western Studios.

Customers can purchase the game via digital download, the "Rise of the Tomb Raider" Xbox One bundle or the exclusive "Rise of the Tomb Raider" Collector's Edition.

Watch the trailer for the Holy Fire Card Pack below.

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