The 2015 League of Legends World Championship quarterfinal is over and done with but it left a ton of memorable moments that players will be talking about as the winners make their way to Brussels for the semi-finals. Three of such memorable moments are as follows:

Origen vs. Flash Wolves - A Baron and a Pentakill to save the day

Though it was just the first game pitting Origen against the Flash Wolves, it managed to produce one of the biggest plays for the quarter finals as Origen felt the pressure to stop the Flash Wolves from dominating. Soaz's Darius stepped up and got resets on his Noxian Guillotine and just enough health to dunk the Flash Wolves to help Origen take the game and ultimately the series.

Fnatic vs. EDward Gaming - A Pawn's escape

Pawns are typically treated as sacrificial pieces, but just when EDG's Pawn was about to bite the dust, toasted under his own turret, a quick Thresh lantern saved the day. Moments later, he is able to teleport to a bot lane, flashing by a Kennen skill shot and picking up a kill, all while hanging on with a sliver of health left.

KOO Tigers vs. KT Rolster - No escape from Gragas

The KOO Tigers may have edged out KT Rolster but KT's jungler Score put on a great performance, particularly when it came to his Gragas ultimates. In this memorable quarterfinal moment, Score is seen perfectly timing and aiming his ult to knock back PraY on Caitlyn, right over where the Jinx traps Arrow set were laid out. Aside from some easy kills, the move also sets up other memorable moments later on in their play.

October is a busy month for League of Legends, with the group stages starting Oct. 1 to 4 and 8 to 11 in Paris. The World Championship quarterfinals were then held from Oct. 15 to 18 at the SSE Arena in Wembley, while the semi-finals is scheduled Oct. 24 to 25 at the Brussels Expo. The finals will follow at the Mercedes-Benz Arena in Berlin on Oct. 31.

Aside from getting the Summoners Cup, and the pride that comes along with it, the winner of the 2015 League of Legends World Championship will receive $1 million.

Photos: Chris Yunker | Flickr and Stefan Schubert | Flickr

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