Think Your Netflix Was Hacked? Here's How to Tell and What to Do Next

Before Netflix, people would stream and download movies and TV shows on different unsecured websites.

This quickly turns into a game of Russian roulette, as you hope that you don't stumble into dangerous sites and hackers that will access your entire computer after opening a file.

Now with Netflix available, it seems like things are a lot more secure, but that does not mean that hackers have gone away.

With time, hackers have evolved to take advantage of stealing subscriptions to streaming services and piggybacking on unsuspecting account owners.

These days, several users worldwide have reported hacked Netflix accounts. If you think that your account has been hacked, there are tell-tale signs.

Signs That Your Netflix Account Was Hacked

The first thing that you need to do to confirm if your Netflix account has been compromised is by logging into your account to see if anything has changed, according to CNET.

Some hackers would just watch discreetly, while some are a bit more daring and will change your login details.

From changing your password down to your email address, hackers will take the whole thing over, so they can sell your account to other people.

If you can still log in, you can take it as a good sign, but that does not mean that you are safe.

Another thing that you need to check is the Recently Reviewed tab. It is one of the most obvious clues that someone else has accessed your account because the recommendations do not fit, according to MakeUseOf.

May it is a movie under your Watch It Again section that you've never opened, or a series that is halfway finished on the Continue Watching tab. Whatever it is, you need to check your account's activity to see if it matches yours.

However, this is not a foolproof method because there are other ways to delete things from your watched list. Still, it is best to check your Netflix Account history.

You also need to check your viewing activity. When something is off your list, the next thing that you need to do is check your viewing activity.

To see your viewing activity, go to your Account profile, click on Viewing Activity, and select Recent Device Streaming Activity. Once you see the screen, you can check for any unknown logins from other places.

Remember that some people that you have allowed to use your account may use VPNs to access certain content, so you need to ask them about it.

Steps to Follow If Your Netflix Account Was Hacked

If your Netflix account is hacked, there are a couple of steps that you need to follow so you can take back control. Before anything else, you need to make sure that you are the only one that is logged in.

Remove access to everyone else by logging them all off. Go to Account, then click on Settings and choose Sign Out of All Devices.

Once you are sure that no one else is using your Netflix account, you can change the password. The option to change the password directly on the app is not available for iOS devices yet, so you need to open a browser to do this, according to Time.

To change the password on your phone via Android, just go to More, then click App Settings, select Account, and choose Change Password. From there, type your current password and your new password.

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Sophie Webster

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