Microsoft and caller ID company Truecaller have announced their collaboration to develop a system that lets users create an AI version of themselves to answer their calls.

In this partnership, Truecaller is leveraging its app's AI assistant to help Microsoft Azure deliver AI speech when receiving or making calls and be their voice when conversing with others. 

AI Voice to Answer Calls? Microsoft, Truecaller's Collab

AI Voice for Calls

(Photo: Andy Vult from Unsplash)
Truecaller announced that it is now upgrading its AI Assistant found on the Truecaller app to let users record their voice and learn from it to deliver this new feature in partnership with Microsoft.

On Big Tech's end, it will employ Azure's AI Speech to learn from the recorded clip of one's voice and use generative AI to create a version of the owner's voice. 

The Truecaller app would be able to screen the calls a user receives. It would let the user know what the call is about and let them decide whether to answer it or use the AI to take it. 

Previously, the Truecaller app allowed users to choose this method in answering calls with voice presets, but through this integration, a user's voice would be featured for a personalized touch.

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Let AI Be Your Voice with Microsoft and Truecaller

Azure AI Speech would help personalize the experience for Truecaller's AI Assistant for the automated personal voice answering technology.

To what extent these companies would deliver the experience remains to be known, especially in conveying or relaying information to users who choose to let the AI do its thing.

Generative AI in Voice for Answering Machines?

Answering machines have always been developed to be automated, but they are known for being pre-programmed and recording voices from users who do not know how to respond.

Only delegates notice that a person is not around. Previously, there have been developments with AI-powered robots that can converse with humans, but they were initially made as a prank for telemarketers

With the massive rise of AI last year, Samsung was among those who took advantage of this feature by delegating Bixby as an AI answering machine users may set up whenever taking calls. 

This is known as the Bixby Text Call feature, where users only need to record their voice for the AI to learn, and they may later type what they want to say and let the tech do the talking for them.

This is the same premise as what Microsoft and Truecaller want to deliver, but not have it converse with the other person on the call, unlike Bixby and others' AI voice tech.

With this, users may use Truecaller's AI, powered by Microsoft's Azure, to answer the calls for them when they feel like it, with The Assistant offering users a chance to take the call without speaking themselves. 

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Isaiah Richard

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