A new app for Mac is here to make AI access easier. OpenAI is launching the ChatGPT app for Apple computers, a native app optimized for the desktop.

It allows most of the features and functionalities of the ChatGPT iPhone app version to the macOS, making it a seamless integration to one's Mac desktop, and will not disrupt one's flow. 

With ChatGPT accessible as a Mac app and not via the browser, various Apple Shortcuts on the computer can be assigned to it. 

OpenAI Launches ChatGPT App for Mac


(Photo: MARCO BERTORELLO/AFP via Getty Images)
OpenAI released the Mac app version of ChatGPT, a native integration of the AI chatbot to macOS that went ahead of the Windows version for its partner, Microsoft.

The ChatGPT app helps improve generative AI access for users, allowing users to access various features easily and without any hassle, one of which is missing from the browser version.

According to OpenAI, users may instantly launch ChatGPT on Mac by using the default keyboard shortcut Option+Space to ask a question, but the shortcut may be tweaked to whatever is preferred. 

The app also allows users to take screenshots, upload them to ChatGPT, and either ask the AI a question or discuss its content. Users can also use photos to start conversations with the AI. 

Read Also: OpenAI Strengthens ChatGPT's News Content by Joining Forces With News Corp.

Apple's Shortcuts For Mac ChatGPT

Users may also use Apple's Shortcuts feature to access ChatGPT and assign custom commands for various needs. 

For example, starting voice conversations or the Ask ChatGPT feature are available to assign for Mac shortcuts, with the native app making it possible to enjoy these experiences.

Other Shortcuts may also be made by a user and assigned to ChatGPT's function now that it is an app. 

ChatGPT App vs. Browser

Since the beginning of OpenAI's launch of its renowned AI chatbot, ChatGPT, it has been available for users to access via browsers on their smartphones or computers.

It still provides a seamless experience that is easily accessible for many, and since April 1, OpenAI allowed users to use ChatGPT without the need to log in or register for an account. 

Around mid-2023, OpenAI stepped up its game and delivered the mobile versions of the renowned AI chatbot, with Apple's iPhone and iOS getting the first iteration of the ChatGPT mobile app.

The ChatGPT Android version shortly followed several months later, but in the second half of the year, it was initially exclusive to certain countries only. 

Since then, OpenAI has reported a massive stream of revenue from mobile platforms with ChatGPT, particularly for the paid version of the AI chatbot, especially with the recent GPT-4o announced in its Spring Update this May.

Apple's Mac is the first to receive OpenAI's ChatGPT app for the desktop, and macOS is a great platform that helps integrate the chatbot into one's workflow and daily use. 

Related Article: OpenAI Sees Mobile Revenue Surge After Paid Access to GPT-4o

Isaiah Richard

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