EnergySwedish Company NoviOcean Unveils Game-Changing Hybrid Energy Platform With 24/7 Clean Power NoviOcean's hybrid platform harnesses wind, solar, and wave power to generate up to 1 MW of clean energy, with plans for commercial deployment by Jose Enrico
TechSkidbladner: Sweden's New Floating Wind Farm to Comprise up to 147 Wind Turbines to Power Half of Stockholmby Inno Flores
TechSweden Needs More Time to Recover From Series of Cyberattacks: What Did Akira Ransomware Gang Do?by Joseph Henry
TechTesla Faces Setback as Swedish Court Reverses License Plate Decision Amid Union Disputeby Inno Flores
TechMedical Startup Neko Health Raises $65 Million in Venture Capital, Attracts Big Tech CEOsby Inno Flores
Google App 'AI Mode' For Android Lets Users 'Talk' Directly to Search, Multimodal Capabilities Available