It's typically a question tossed out in a room populated with a few people on a weekend, but Google is taking it online. Now, there's an app for asking "who's down?"

Users of Who's Down can set a status of sort, selecting from pre-defined keywords or by creating custom ones. Who's down for: a "Movie," a "Hike" some "Beer Pong."

Those who are down can turn up a toggle to the "on" position to indicate that they're down to do whatever keyword they selected. The availability will last for up to three hours before it defaults to "off" - because after three hours, those who're down are probably done.

"Instantly see which of your friends are free to hang out, right when you are," reads the app's description. "And with one slider, you can let your friends know you're down to hang out too. It's that simple. Who's Down: always know who is free to hang out, so you never miss out on the fun."

Right now, the app is in closed beta and is invite only. Users who are down to download the app can apply for beta access by installing the app.

Those sneering at the beer pong reference above may not be laughing when they request an invite for the app. One of the things Google wants to know before granting beta access is what school the user attends.

Apparently, the school criterion has been rubbing some people the wrong way and has been hurting the app's score. Many are just indigent.

Here's a four-star rating:

"School? Who said adults don't like to party? I look forward to receiving an invite to beta test this as one of the adult community," writes one user in his review of the app. "Also, I suggest adding a widget toggle for setting your availability."

Here's a two-star rating:

"What this 'school name?' I've been out of school for 8 yrs. but still party hard like i was in college," writes another user, who's apparently still pretty much down for whatever. "But you're telling me that i can't use this app to see who's available to party with me cuz im not in school? I call foul!"

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