There are a lot of terrifying enemies in Fallout 4's Commonwealth, including Deathclaws, Raiders and Super Mutants. However, none of those enemies are as terrifying as one created by a new mod: Thomas the Tank Engine, who brings death and destruction to all who face it in battle.

The new mod comes courtesy of trainwiz, who is no stranger to putting Thomas in video games: this modder also created a Thomas the Tank Engine for Skyrim.

"I'm sure you have, just like me, sat near your fireplace at some point, sipped tea and ate a small animal and said to yourself 'Why has nobody put Thomas the Tank Engine in Fallout 4 yet. I mean, he clearly fits in every possible way!' " wrote trainwiz on the mod's download page on Nexus Mods. "I certainly wondered this, and so, I underwent a long, six-year journey of discovery. After killing all my rivals and eating their hearts, I realized I could just ask a friend to port some meshes for me, and made this abomination."

A video demonstrating the mod showcases what happens in the first big battle in Fallout 4, when the player gets a mission to help defeat a Deathclaw that's ravaging a nearby town. However, what emerges from beneath the Earth isn't a Deathclaw at all, but something more horrifying: Thomas the Tank Engine.

But Thomas doesn't just replace Deathclaws in the game: vertibirds, missiles and mininukes also get a Thomas makeover. The mod also replaces some of Fallout 4's sound effects with Thomas' train whistle.

Trainwiz does admit that the mod needs improvement, but continues to work on perfecting Thomas within the game.

"Thomas DOES look a little bit weird right now, but that's because we here at Trainwiz are trying still to understand the new material system," wrote the mod creator. "I've currently got a member of Bethesda captive, so we'll see if any answers come from him. Later updates will either, make him look better. Cut me some slack, folks, I'm flying GECKless here."

If this mod isn't to your liking, there are still plenty of other Fallout 4 mods available for players' amusement, including one that turns Paladin Danse into Buzz Lightyear. Or perhaps, players want a more timely mod that replaces in-game weapons with lightsabers from Star Wars.

Fallout 4 released in November 2015 for the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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