We already know that Kylo Ren's Force rumble is actually from the purring of supervising sound editor and sound designer David Acord's cat. However, you may have missed the sound effects homage to another epic film in which Harrison Ford starred in: "Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark."

To be more specific, Acord and his team pulled out the sound of the rolling boulder threatening to crush and/or trap Indy after he placed the incorrect sandbag weight to replace the artifact and triggered the trap at the beginning of the film.

If you can't recall that scene, here's a preview.

As to how that happened, it's mostly because the sound crew had access to Skywalker Sound that houses all the sound effects of all the "Star Wars" films, including the animated series. The Skywalker Library is also where they keep all the sound effects they have worked on through the years.

Is there any better sound to borrow than another George Lucas and Harrison Ford team up? That's what they thought.

"[W]hen the rathtar is rolling down the hallway after Han and Chewie, I put in the sound of Ben Burtt's boulder roll sound from Raiders of the Lost Ark when the boulder is chasing Indy," Acord revealed.

Of course, it's amusing to think that the sound used in the scene where Han Solo was running away is the same sound where the famed Archaeologist was also running for his life. Everyone will just have to wait for the DVD and Blu-ray to come out before they can listen for themselves, but at least that's one other bonus Easter Egg for fans.

With that crossover in sound effects confirmed, perhaps this fan-made "Indiana Jones" and "Star Wars" crossover just got plus points for making a connection five years ahead of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

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