Kylo Ren's made his mark on the Star Wars universe for his unique lightsaber, as well as his fanboy-like obsession with Darth Vader. Even in the trailers for “The Force Awakens,” his shrine to his grandfather's dark side even included the burnt helmet, which was left of his funeral pyre on the moon of Endor and which he most likely went to great lengths to acquire.

Now there's a new way Kylo can show his obsession for Darth Vader, and maybe direct some of his pent up rage to more creative endeavors as well. This origami Darth Vader is one of the most adorable incarnations of the Sith Lord we have ever seen, and if you'd like to try your hand at the ancient Japanese art of paper folding, there's even a video tutorial on how to make your very own.

Designed by the origami master, Tadashi Mori, Origami Vader is the perfect addition to any Star Wars fan's collection. Kylo Ren should definitely stock up on black paper and start folding.

Mori explains in his video tutorial that Origami Vader is an intermediate level origami piece but it can be created with any ordinary type of paper, including printer paper.

In addition to Star Wars replicas, Mori's origami portfolio also includes stunning paper recreations of insects, which look incredibly lifelike despite only being made of folded paper. He has also created a series of origami horses that line up to show movement when running, and earned fame for his life-sized origami elephant.

Mori's work is available for sale on his Etsy shop where he sells his origami koi fish and other animals, as well as unfolded origami sheets that are also quite the works of art in themselves.

His various social media accounts also showcase his origami art and his YouTube channel is filled with tutorials and videos of him creating his folded paper masterpieces.

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