Dodge County Sees Four Heroin Overdose Deaths In Just Two Weeks

Dodge County in Wisconsin have seen four deaths, most probably due to heroin overdose, within just two weeks.

Officers from the Dodge County Law Enforcement are still investigating on the matter. However, they believe that the deaths, which started to occur from Feb. 22, are all due to the overdose of the said opioid painkiller.

Public Advice And Call Of Action To The Community

There have been no final reports or confirmed findings from the investigations, but authorities stress the importance of letting the public know. They believe that the people should be aware of the seriousness of the problem as it persists to afflict the community.

Despite the lack of evidence, authorities say that it is highly likely that a so-called "hot batch" of heroin overdose has struck the area. If such presumption turns out to be true, then there is all the more reason for the community to unite and work together to safeguard family members and friends from such potentially fatal situation.

"Remember, this epidemic affects people of all ages and all economic backgrounds," the Dodge County Sheriff writes.

The sheriff's office also wants the public to know that heroin overdose has been a constant dilemma for hospital staff, emergency personnel and doctors.

Authorities urge people to contact the Sheriff's office should they have any information that could help with ongoing investigations of heroin and other drug overdoses.

The Issue Of Overdose

Authorities remind that the deaths that occurred resulted from overdose only. Overdose cases, where people do not die and need comprehensive medical care are much higher.

Overdose with opioid drugs such as heroin may be countered by an antidote called naloxone.

Sometimes, emergency response teams need not to go to patients because some go directly to hospitals without law enforcement actions. These people who persist to use illicit drugs put themselves at risk of the fatal effects of overdose.

More About Heroin

Heroin is a highly-addictive painkiller that is derived from morphine. People take this drug illicitly to produce elated feeling or euphoria.

The cases of heroin use among Americans aged 18-25 years old have increased to more than double in the past 10 years. About 45 percent of heroin users were also addicted to prescription opioid pain relievers, reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Over nine out of 10 people who used heroin are also said to have tried at least another illicit drug.

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