Many women are not aware of their private part's health status - yes, you regularly clean and wash it, but sometimes it is not enough. Vaginal yeast causes infections that can be detrimental to your health and even to your relationship with your partner.

Vaginal yeast had caused a uterus transplant to fail, making the woman undergo many procedures to recover from the transplant failure.

Lindsey McFarland, 26, underwent the first uterus transplant in the United States to fulfill her dream of having a child. On March 8, the procedure was done, but unfortunately two weeks after the operation the clinic confirmed the failure of the transplant.

McFarland temporarily had her uterus, but according to the statement released by the Cleveland Clinic, the transplant failed because of an infection caused by an organism found on woman's vagina.

"The infection appears to have compromised the blood supply to the uterus, causing the need for its removal," said the Cleveland Clinic in a statement.

Ms. McFarland is now taking antifungal medications for yeast infection and stopped taking anti-rejection drugs because those may hinder the immune system.

Other women should be knowledgeable about yeast infection, as it affects three out of four women. Many women experience having yeast infection at least twice in their lifetime.

All About Yeast Infection

The vagina is a nest of many bacteria and a few yeasts. There are the good ones that help maintain the pH level of the vagina, and bad ones such as Candida albicans that causes infections.

Yeast infections are known to be caused by imbalance brought by taking antibiotics, increase in estrogen level, birth control pills, pregnancy, menstruation, diabetes, impaired immune system, use of corticosteroids, and being overweight.

Women who have vaginal yeast infection can experience severe itching on their reproductive organ, reddening of the labia, discharges that are commonly white, thick, odorless and lumpy. They can also experience pain when urinating or having a sexual intercourse.

Vaginal infection can occur a week before menstrual cycle starts. It can also be transferred through intercourse, even though it is not a sexually transmitted disease.

What To Do

Aside from maintaining a good genital hygiene, women can prevent having vaginal yeast infection by eating a balanced diet (including those foods with lactobacillus such as yogurt), control their blood sugar, and avoid using antibiotics if not necessary.

To further prevent yeast infections, women should also avoid wearing very tight jeans, or pantyhose to keep the genital area dry. Also, do not use feminine spray, powders or perfumes in your genital area, as it changes the balance of organisms present in the vagina.

For those who already have or suspect they have a yeast infection, they can consult a doctor to have the exact medication for specific cases. Do not self medicate to reduce the risk of getting it worse or produce other illnesses such as bacterial vaginosis.

It is better to first consult a doctor to have the best medication you can use, be it creams or oral medication. When using over-the-counter medicine, always follow the labels printed on the packaging.

Photo: Iqbal Osman | Flickr

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