Battlefield 1 is one of the most anticipated games to come out this year, and the historical trailer recently launched fanned the flames.

History experts from The Great War took to analyzing the recent video trailer and discovered that Battlefield 1 creators paid a good amount of attention to historical accuracy. Little factual errors and fantasy elements garnish the otherwise realistic first person shooter.

The Great War takes the cinematic trailer apart shot by shot and concludes that the technology, tactics and general apparel from the period are rendered faithfully. Some action scenes might seem farfetched, such as the one where a German soldier uses a shovel to knock down an enemy. However, close quarters combat experience taught World War 1 fighters that bayonets tend to get stuck in victims, so shovels were the next best thing. Tanks are as clumsy and hard to steer as you would imagine and gas masks and pickaxes follow the historical design to the letter.

Some Battlefield fans questioned why British soldiers would carry anti-armor rifles belonging to the Germans and the answer is simple. Back in the day, it was common for combatants to pick up and use superior guns from the opposing side.

The Great War points out that the trailer is highly realistic and true to the letter and spirit of the age.

Make note that Battlefield 1 should not be regarded as a war simulator, as it does incorporate its fair share of fantasy elements and historical stretches. What is more, some parts of the trailer might not even get embedded in the final release.

The developers of the game certainly did their homework and invested time in documenting the period and its specific ethos and combat style.

With its engaging approach to the period of World War 1, the 15-minute video is a history lesson made fun and easy.

Players of the anticipated title will toy around with Zeppelins, the Red Baron and the Harlem Hellfighters, one of the interesting militias of the period.

Battlefield 1 is expected to launch on Oct. 21. Until then, check out the video trailer below and enjoy the commentary of the history buffs from The Great War. It might even inspire you to delve deeper into the first global conflict and get your facts straight.

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