Tokyo Game Show 2014 is underway and the gaming community is in for a treat as always. A lot is being unveiled, including a new concept trailer for Silent Hills.

For those who were able to spend time with Hideo Kojima's "playable teaser," the concept trailer will feel very familiar. The two are eerily similar to the point that some people feel the concept trailer is simply an earlier version of the P.T.

Kojima showed off the concept trailer for Silent Hills at TGS followed by a presentation in which Guillermo del Toro made an appearance through a pre-recorded video. Outlining the history of the project, del Toro said he loved the first version of the P.T. Kojima sent him. The two went on to talk some more about Silent Hills and the result is the concept trailer.

"The concepts we're discussing, the ideas that we're discussing and the tools that are in play to create Silent Hills are going to render an incredibly intense and an incredibly scary game," del Toro adds.

To be published by Sony and Konami and being developed by 7780s Studio and Kojima Productions, Silent Hills aims to introduce new levels of horror to gamers everywhere. And judging by the trailer, it doesn't disappoint.

It's not clear whether the concept trailer is actually a portion of Silent Hills or was just created as test footage but none of that matters. All gamers need to know is that it is scary, tackling various elements of horror in one go.

There are spooky toys, maggots, balls that turn into heads. There are dark hallways that you shouldn't go into but still do. And when you do, a giant monster is waiting, ready to chase you down to the depths of despair. A door does open but it only takes you deeper into the dark unknown. It's got everything that makes for scary and yet it's just a concept trailer.

Silent Hills can still turn into anything at this point. It might even come out in an episodic format. Nothing is completely final until the game actually comes out but if the concept trailer is any indication, it will be a game well worth waiting for. Silent Hills, so far, will be available for the PS4 and can't be expected to drop until 2016.

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