It's becoming an increasingly popular trend for the final installments in big-budget film trilogies to drag things out just a little longer by splitting the third act into two parts. We've seen it in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Hunger Games, Twilight and Divergent. Now, we might see it in the Avengers 3, if the latest rumors are to be believed.

According to The Daily Marvelite, the battle against the mad-titan Thanos will be so huge and so complicated it will require two films to do the story justice. And to make oodles more money, of course.

The site uses Marvel's film release schedule as further evidence. Marvel announced a slew of release dates for untitled films a few weeks back, among them a May 2019 release date. Many assumed this to be the date for Avengers 3, but Marvel then proceeded to announce another film for May 2018, with Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige hinting that Avengers 3 would be coming three years after Avengers: Age of Ultron. The Daily Marvelite says Marvel decided to release the first part of Avengers 3 in 2018, before concluding it with another film around the same time the following year in 2019.

One reason for the two-parter might be a potential team-up between the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy. Vin Diesel, who voices Groot in Guardians, hinted that Marvel for its "Phase 3" films would be doing a "merging of brands," but failed to elaborate saying the projects were way, way down the road. With Thanos appearing at the end of Avengers and during Guardians of the Galaxy, it does seem like Marvel will be pushing the two teams together, especially after the massive summer success of Guardians.

What is still unclear, says The Daily Marvelite, is if Avengers 3 will be clean cut into two halves, or if the first film will conclude but then lead into an "event" movie that would feature the heroes of Earth and the Guardians of the Galaxy uniting to bring down Thanos. Only time will tell.

On the bright side, fans won't have to wait nearly as long to see some footage of Avengers 2. The latest rumors indicate that a trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron could be attached to Christopher Nolan's Interstellar, which releases Nov. 7. Comic Book Movie reports the trailer could see a possible online release earlier, perhaps around the end of October.

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