In the world of comic books, nothing is permanent, especially death. That's the case in the latest bit of Batman-related news, which sees a familiar face returning to the role of Robin in Batman and Robin #38. Hint: it's not Dick Grayson.

Spoilers below! If you don't want the Robin Rises story arc to be spoiled for you, turn back now.

Batman and Robin writer Peter Tomasi took to Twitter ahead of DC announcing their January 2015 comic solicitations to give fans a heads-up about the future of the series. He shared Patrick Gleason's cover art for the issue, and it certainly doesn't beat around the bush. It looks like Damian Wayne is back in action, and if the cover of the book is to be believed, he'll also be bulletproof. Interesting.

The issue will be the culmination of the current "Robin Rises" story arc, which has Batman attempting to resurrect his dead son after he was killed in Batman Incorporated #8. Batman's had it rough since Damian's death. As of late he has been fighting to recover Damian's corpse from Ra's al Ghul and Glorious Godfrey, who brought Damian's body to Apokolips.

Damian's death made waves in the comic book world in 2013. The character was created by comic icon Grant Morrison as the child of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. Trained by the League of Assassins, Batman and his son often clashed when it came to Bruce's "no kill" policy, something Damian had no problem ignoring. Eventually Damian would grow into the role of Robin, only to be killed by an agent of his mother known as the Heretic, who just so happened to be an artificially aged clone of Damian.

What's interesting is not that Damian is back alive, but what the cover art teases. Does Damian now have superpowers of some kind, or is it just artistic license? Of course, we still don't know how exactly Damian comes back to the land of the living. While some of the mystery surrounding the future of Batman and Robin has been revealed, there are still plenty of questions, questions fans will no doubt have to read the comic to find out.

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