The Marakech Vision published a new document after the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) High Level Meeting which took place Nov. 18. The document states the important social justice actions, in the attempt to hold the climate change to an absolute minimum.

As part of the program, 47 of the world's poorest nations discussed the idea of using exclusively renewable energy. Among the countries, Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Haiti issued statements concerning this environmental direction.

The countries decided to update their national plans until 2020, through systematic carbon cuts that will be monitored nationwide.

Agreement For Renewable Energy

There were two weeks of negotiations behind these decisions, and one of the most powerful incentives that managed to convince the states' representatives was the idea of showing commitment toward the issue of global warming. The members of the CVF promised, as part of this project, to transit to entirely green economies between 2030 and 2050.

According to the document that resulted from the meeting, the underlying causes of disaster risk and climate vulnerability must be addressed as soon and as efficiently a possible, in a global scale. The countries' representatives also promised to address the already signed climate-binding contract.

The Paris Agreement was reached after the Paris Conference on climate change, which took place December 2015, where a number of 195 countries signed the first-ever binding global climate deal.

As a result of this latest meeting, the representatives of all 47 countries promised to achieve carbon neutrality by the 2050s, as stipulated in the aforementioned Paris Agreement. The governments of the 195 signers have agreed to meet every five years, in an attempt to monitor the evolution of the agreement's stipulations.

Steps For Reducing Global Warming

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon notes that every country should fully comprehend the impact of climate change on the global future, and take all the necessary measures that will guarantee the security, economic prosperity and well-being of their countries' citizens.

The Secretary-General also supports the idea of global cooperation when it comes to facing a threat that could potentially harm all countries, regardless of economic status or stability. The engagement of the least economically stable countries means true cooperation in fighting this alarming situation.

Additionally, the 47 states unanimously agreed to commit to creating an international cooperative system that will bring consistent changes, which will serve the purpose of being fully equipped when it comes to facing climate change.

The idea to transit toward 100 percent renewable energy as rapidly as possible is part of this higher commitment that binds countries together worldwide to fight climate change.

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