Another day, another Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice-related rumor. This particular tale is quite interesting because, if it is true, then someone in an important position will die in the film, paving the way for an individual DC story arc to take place.

According to a paid extra on the set of Batman v Superman, someone will kill the President of the United States, though, it is not certain who could be capable of doing this. Furthermore, the extra claimed he took part in a scene that he describes as the President's funeral.

The extra went on to add that he was part of a flashback scene that involved a young Bruce Wayne at his parent's funeral, so it appears we could be in for two or more funeral scenes with this movie when it comes out in 2016.

"The first scene we filmed was with Jeremy Irons," he says. "It was out in a field with young Bruce Wayne. A flashback to the Wayne funeral. The small set was really cool with the hearse vehicles sporting Gotham license plates."

For those who are unaware, Jeremy Irons will play Alfred, the iconic butler of the Wayne family, and the only person Bruce views as family after his parents died.

There's also a scene where the set is surrounded by green screen. Apparently, Henry Cavill will take part in the shot but as Clark Kent.

Now, let's jump back to the death of the President. If this happens, it would be a big moment in the film and could very well pave the way for Lex Luthor becoming the next President. Chances are Luthor could be the person who orchestrated the death of the President.

In several DC properties, Luthor actually became President of the United States, and his aim was to bring down the Justice League with his newfound power. However, the Justice League has yet to be formed, so we are not too sure the President is dead, and that Luthor is making a move for the White House just yet.

It would be interesting to see how things turn out if this rumor is true. Who killed the President, and who will become President would be the big questions on the lips of everyone.

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