Being a new parent is the most rewarding role a person can take on in their lifetime. But with every new job there is always a learning curve. There is no instruction manual on how exactly to be a parent, with every person taking on a different style with different techniques while figuring out what works best for them.

Of course the new little bundle of joy is the cutest blessing in the world, but being that adorable only makes parents super neurotic over their newborn—no matter if its their first baby or fifth.

And while there is no app to tell you how you should raise your child, there's plenty of titles that can serve as tools to learn more about the baby and his or her growth, help give parents a piece of mind when it comes to his or her health, and so on.

Here are the best baby apps every parents need to download for their newborn.

Glow Baby

Expecting mothers probably used Glow Nurture, the pregnancy tracking app that allows them to monitor their trimester symptoms and learn about their growing baby. Once that baby is born, parents should then download Glow Baby, the app from the same developers that focuses on all aspect of caring for the baby.

This includes tracking the baby's feedings (breastfeeding, bottles, and later solids), diapers, sleep, and medication. Glow Baby also gives customized insight based on the baby's milestone and development.

Glow Baby is available to download for free for iOS and Android.

Feed Baby

Feed Baby is similar to Glow Baby in that is allows the user to track feedings, diapers and other aspects of their newborn's health, but without all the extra frills. It will become an every day go-to for any breastfeeding mom since it is easy to start recording by tapping on the "L" or "R" when breastfeeding, or the bottle icon for formula. A counter starts, with the ability to pause and stop at any time.

Feed Baby also allows users to track diapers, an essential part of making sure a newborn is eating enough when breastfeeding. Moms can also track when the pump and other aspects of their baby's health like their shots, when they get a bath, etc.

Feed Baby is free to download, and offers a premium option for iOS and Android


One of the best things about being a parent is watching every little thing their newborn does. And while the baby may smile and look into his or her parents' eyes, what do they really see?

BabySee allows parents to see the world from their newborns point-of-view. The app uses the user's camera to present what the baby sees depending on their age. Since babies are born color blind, at first the app will display a grey and clouded view. Just tap on the screen to compare to how the user sees. Launch the app often as the baby grows to identify when their baby can finally see clearly and in color.

BabySee is available to download for free for iOS. 


Each day, parents will notice that their newborn is developing more and more. Many parents might wonder how to help them along and teach them their first skills. That's where Kinedu comes in, an app that provides users with exercises every day to simulate their newborn and help them improve their motor, sensory, cognitive, linguistic skills.

The exercises come with a short video to instruct the parent. The exercises are new each day, with the option to go back and keep practicing all the skills.

Kinedu is available to download for free for iOS and Android, but users will have to upgrade to premium subscriptions in order to unlock all the activities. 


The Owlet app requires the Owlet Baby Monitor, a smart sock that retails for $249.99 that tracks a baby's heart rate and oxygen level when they sleep. While this might seem extensive or unnecessary to some, the Owlet system is a must for any parent who worries non-stop, doing things like making sure their newborn is still breathing with their hand on the baby's chest or with a mirror in front of their nose. That's because it gives them piece of mind that their baby is perfectly okay while they catch up on much needed sleep themselves.

The Owlet will not prevent against SIDS, but can be used to be more aware. Put the sock on the newborn and set up the accompanying app. The sensors in the sock will then monitor the baby's  data. The system also comes with a home docking base that will light up and make a loud sound if levels are low. Just keep in mind that the sock may fall off or the baby can wiggle, which may lead to false alarms.

Add this baby monitor to a baby shower registry and download the app for iOS and Android for free. 

Baby Pics

There is no such thing as a baby that is not cute, and every parent will want to show their newborn off to the world. Create uniquely adorable photos using the app Baby Pics to enhance all dozens of photos parents take of their newborns every day.

The app includes various artwork to add to the photos like dates to mark when the baby is 1 week old, 1 month old, etc., stickers to mark "firsts" milestones, and lots of other doodles. There are even lots of stickers to use to announce a pregnancy, perfect for those still expecting.

Baby Pics is available to download for free for iOS and Android

Photo: Bridget Coila | Flickr

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