Panic buying has begun as Coronavirus or COVID-19 has gotten a whole lot worse these past few days. It resulted in shutdowns, cancellations, and suspensions. Ultimately, the World Health Organization has declared a Coronavirus as a Worldwide pandemic.

(Photo : Screenshot from: Trib Live Official Website)

Read Also: 48-roll Pack of Toilet Paper is Being Sold in Australia for $100,000 as Coronavirus Panic Surges

Milwaukee now has a shortage in supplies

If you look at superstores throughout the Milwaukee area, shelves of toilet paper have now been completely ransacked by panic buyers. 

According to a Target shopper at the West Milwaukee Target, Jorge Sanchez, "I think people are taking this a little overboard, to say the least. There is literally almost no toilet paper, and I'm just like, 'OK,'" Plus another shopper has also said that most of the shelves are wiped out and that they needed even just a couple rolls of toilet paper to stock up on since they are not panicking themselves.

The shortage spreads all throughout Walmarts in New Berlin. Delafield, Meijer in Wauwatosa, and not just in the Milwaukee area. Only one has been exempted from this and that is the Pick 'n Save which are still fully stocked.

Andrea Palm has suggested that people should have a two week supply of medical aid and food. Palm had said that this advice for the public has no intention of encouraging buyers to hoard supplies, but to keep everyone from having to panic buy and go to a public place in a situation wherein they become sick and need to isolate themselves at home for two weeks.

Aside from toiletries and food, medicine has also become scarce in a lot of stores. Shopper Khou Lor shared that they tried buying their daughter some medicine but was completely out of stock. 

Opportunists have taken advantage

According to Tech Times, several listings online have been taking advantage of this situation to promote supplies that have a ridiculous price tag on them.

(Photo : Screenshot from: Tech Times Official Website)

For example, this listing on eBay of a 48-roll pack of toilet paper is being sold for $100,000 which is pretty absurd. Though it has apparently disappeared from the site, unsure if this was taken down by eBay themselves or if someone had actually bought this ludicrous promotion.

Another outrageous listing on eBay has popped up. This time, a 27-roll pack of toilet paper for $200 which does not even include the shipping fee. 

(Photo : Screenshot from: Ebay Official Website)

This panic buying of supplies have gone from bad to the worst thing ever which resulted to retailers in the United States and Canada to limit the number of toilet paper packs, UK supermarkets have been wiped out and grocery stores in Australia have even hired security guards to patrol all customers.

Though psychologists have said that people only panic buy out of fear. Just by purchasing a simple toilet paper can return a sense of control to a helpless situation.

Read Also:  Iranian Mass Graves for Coronavirus Victims Have Been Dug and 300ft Trench Added as Death Toll Rises

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