The Game of Thrones stars Jason Momoa and Peter Dinklage have plans to collaborate in a story about vampires but with a twist. Dinklage might be playing the legendary vampire slayer Van Helsing while Momoa is going to be one of the vampires.

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What to look forward to the upcoming collaboration movie?

Now I don't know about you, but the idea of the two stars who masterfully played their roles in Game of Thrones will be starring in a film all about vampires, and the sort would be amazing. Not to mention since it's going to be about fantasy, it's going to be a walk in the park for both actors given their acting chops in the hit series Game of Thrones.

The report says that the movie is going to be an action-adventure which showcases vampire hunter and vampire team-ups from both actors. The news came from Deadline, and the title would be Good Bad & Undead. Dinklage would be forming an uneasy but necessary alliance with a vampire being played by Mamoa, who has vowed never to kill again.

The two set out on a journey from place to place, scamming the locals by having Van Helsing act as if he's killing vampires for money. In which they earned enough fame and renown that they found a real bounty on a vampire's head, and the duo ends up running to a world of monsters.

Max Barbakow is going to be leading the cast with his directing vision, and the script will be written then none other than Damian Shannon and Mark Swift, who worked on movies like Baywatch and Freddy vs. Jason. Shannon and Swift took to Twitter and said:

"We're so excited about this one. Who doesn't want to see Peter Dinklage as Van Helsing and Jason Momoa as a vampire?! This is dream casting," the writing duo said in a tweet. "We'll never stop fighting to get original stories made. We think you're gonna love what we are all cooking up. Hopefully, more news soon!"

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Try to Contain Your Excitement a Little

Since the news broke out, there is still no set a date for production to start for the movie Good Bad & Undead as of yet. So to sate your thirst for their acting talents, might as well get excited for Momoa's return in the "Snyders Cut" of the movie Justice League which will be coming out later on next year with his superhero-cast friends who'll be reprising their roles as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg, and Momoa playing as Aquaman.

So while waiting for the details of the movie, you can go ahead and rewatch Game of Thrones or even the movies in which the actors starred in if you have that itch to scratch. Possibly watch vampire movies as well, what else can you do since lockdown is still in effect and the pandemic shows no signs of stopping anyway.

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