Having problems in finding subreddits on Reddit? Do you want to see all your favorite subreddits on one screen? If yes, here's an awesome hack to do it all in once. Introducing, the Reddeck!  

Here's the Tweetdeck for Reddit

As we all know, Reddit is the top used American discussion and social media website. It allows you to post, share, and give upvotes to posts that you like to see or watch. 

However, if you are a journalist or just wanted to be updated with every subreddits in your Reddit profile, you may face a problem on which subreddit to focus on. 

Luckily, The Next Web found the easiest and coolest way for you to stack all your favorite subreddits on one screen. Using the unfamiliar software called 'Reddeck.'

How to use Reddeck?

Reddeck is just like the Reddit version and more familiar term for the software called 'Tweetdeck.' However, instead of Twitter feeds, Reddeck shows all the subreddits you like to look out for on one screen. 

You can add subreddits as much as you want on this website. This will show you a stack of all your favorite subreddits and have them lined up in one screen for a real-time posting. 

Reddit bans 7,000 subreddits

As much as we want to look out for subreddits on one page, the platform itself is having a hard time fixing issues related to this matter. 

On June 29, Reddit performed new policies on the platform, citing users 'abuse' when it comes to the prevalence of hate speech online. 

"Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Communities and users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned," said on the post. 

Nearly 7,000 subreddits were said to be banned from the platform after finding out that these communities engaged with hate speech or harassment. 

Despite this large number of banned subreddits, Reddit only records an 18% drop from this action. 

"While I would love that number to be 100%, I'm encouraged by the progress," writes Reddit user u/worstnerd, a member of the company's Safety team.

Reddit hate focuses on nationality and ethnicity

The security team of Reddit records that approximately 40,000 reportedly hateful pieces of content were shared each day, making up around 0.2% of all content on the platform.

"We have more work to do on both our understanding of hate on the platform and eliminating its presence. We will continue to improve transparency around our efforts to tackle these issues, so please consider this the continuation of the conversation, not the end," said Reddit security team. 

ALSO READ: Reddit CEO Explains Why the Platform Allows Donald Trump's Political Ads, Points Outs Some Restrictions

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Jamie Pancho 

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