British researchers have found evidence of the first mammal that a dinosaur species ate during the early days, and its remains gave massive hints as to what it is, one of the earliest discoveries for the extinct animal. The good thing is that this small dinosaur, the size of a modern-day crow, did not prey on the humans' early ancestors in prehistoric times.

Dinosaur Remains to Bring Evidence to the First Mammal it Ate

(Photo : Ralph Attanasia)

According to a statement by a group of British scientists who joined forces to study dinosaur remains, there is compelling evidence regarding the first mammal that the early reptile have eaten. 

The dinosaur in question is called the "Microraptor," and it is a flying reptile that is similar to a crow, with the same size and almost the same look. 

It also exhibits the same characteristic, especially as crows are known to be carnivorous. 

In the research published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, the dinosaur's diet included mammals but argued that it is not the ancestors of present-day humans. 

Their findings saw the foot of a small animal in the dinosaur fossil, claiming that it is the remains of a predecessor of the modern mouse. This evidence is one of the earliest recordings of dinosaurs eating mammals, with the fossil aged at around 120 million years old.

Researchers also said that it is a typical-sized prey for the Microraptor. 

Read Also: AI Shows that this Dinosaur May Have Been a Friendly Herbivore

Microraptors are Easy to Live With, But a Terror to Livestock

The scientists claimed that Microraptors are about the size of a house cat, meaning that it is something that early humans can live with, and are relatively easy to have around. However, it is a terror if one is caring for livestock like birds in one's feeder, mice on the hedge, and fish in the pond, as it would most likely be its target, and would follow its growling stomach's desires.

Dinosaurs and its Modern-Day Studies

While these once apex predators and massive creatures roamed the Earth back when the humans' early ancestors were present, they now cease to exist and only their distant relatives are known to man. And this makes dinosaurs some of the most fascinating creatures, as many of their traces and evidence are still seeing recovery or discovery in various parts of the world

And like the many animals we see today, dinosaurs have different breeds or species present in the early days of prehistoric times, with some being lethal and dangerous, and others, not so much. 

Thanks to modern research, scientists have found a way to know more about what killed the dinosaurs who lived in the early days, and analyzed what this asteroid truly brought to the planet. Not only did it eradicate the entire dinosaur species, but also reshaped the Earth towards something that humans are familiar with now. 

With the pretense that humans and dinosaurs cannot live together, some studies claim that some are peaceful and do not fancy a human meal. Still, some dinosaurs like the Microraptor are carnivores and will continue to pester human lives by targeting their livestock, pets, and other small animals present. 

Related Article: This Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Caused the Greatest Tsunami on Earth, New Study Says

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