If we had to make a list of buzzwords of the past 10 years, productivity would definitely be on the list. We're always trying to be more productive, whether at home, at work or over email. We even try to be more productive while we sleep. Over the past few years, dozens of studies have come out pertaining to sleeping efficiently. So in honor of all that is productive, here's our guide to getting the most out of your power nap.

The Science of Sleep

According to research published in the journal Sleep, just 10 minutes of sleep can help you stay alert for more than two hours when you are running on empty. A power nap boosts our brains so we can be more productive at work. It improves our problem solving skills, along with learning and logical reasoning. Studies have shown that just a six minute nap can improve memory. Naps can also increase our mood, so we are not irritable when our boss adds on another work task for the day.

Recent research from the Beijing University of Technology further proved that naps not only improve brain functions, but also promote overall physical and mental health, lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and reducing stress.

Nap Time

You might not have thought napping while at work is appropriate. However, if you are sleep deprived, you might as well close your eyes for a few during your lunch break so you don't wind up acting like a zombie for the rest of the day.

So how long should you nap for? 10 to 20 minutes will give you more energy and boost your level of alertness. Once you're asleep for 30 minutes, you can wake up with a sleep hangover, feeling sluggish and still tired.  Just make sure you don't sleep sitting up, since it takes longer to fall asleep that way.

Try to take your nap in the late morning or right after lunch. Although some experts suggest the time between 2 and 4 p.m., the later it gets the more likely you will fall into a deep sleep, which will leave you groggy. If you wake up at 5 a.m., nap at 1 p.m. 9 a.m. riser should nap around 3 p.m.

Tell your boss you need to take a 10 minute break and find somewhere dark and quiet to snooze.  Some companies like Google and Nike have places where employees can nap, but you can also rest in your car, an unused conference room or even your desk.

Tips For The Perfect Power Nap

The Caffeine Nap
It sounds counter intuitive. Either take a nap or grab a cup of coffee. However, combining the two can actually give your brain a super boost. Scientists at Loughborough University have looked into the combo, finding that it worked better than just one on its own. The caffeine nap works because it takes about 20 minutes for our bodies to respond to caffeine. Drink a cup beforehand and shut your eyes. By the time your phone alarm goes off, the caffeine will kick in to eliminate drowsiness and improve your work performance.

Set Your Alarm

The worse thing you can do is plan on taking a short 10 minute nap and wake up four hours later. The whole point of taking a power nap is to increase your productivity. That means make sure you set an alarm on your phone so you wake up.

Nutrition For Naps

Avoid eating foods that are rich in sugar and fat since these foods will mess with your body's natural ability to fall asleep. Instead, eat foods with high calcium, protein and magnesium, which promote sleep and relaxation. Try eating almonds, miso soup, a banana or dairy products like yogurt. 

Find You Zen

Because you're in the middle of a work day, falling asleep may be difficult no matter how exhausted you are. Use meditation techniques such as deep breathing and visualizing zen places in your mind's eye. You can try using a meditation app to help you reach your relaxation zone. Just don't force it. Some people just can't nap during the day. If that's the case then aim for getting more sleep at night so you are more alert during the day.

Enjoy those extra ZZZ's!

[Photo Credit: Floris Oosterveld/Flickr]

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