Ever notice how accurate Facebook is when you add a new album to your page and all your friends' faces are correctly tagged? Yeah, it makes your life easier, but not so much when you are the one getting tagged in a photo you didn't want anyone to see. 

Facebook's DeepFace facial recognition algorithms  is said to spot whether a face is the same person in another photo with 97.25 percent accuracy. And while this is is pretty cool, it's also kind of scary to know that you can be tagged so easily—even when you don't want to be. You know, like that one bar photo that features your head way, way in the background, proving you were out drinking when you were supposed to be somewhere else?

The antivirus software company AVG has created a solution to the invasive detection from face-recognition technology. It has designed glasses that can actually block a camera from clearly identifying you so that you won't get tagged on social media. 

The glasses are pretty much like an invisible cloak for your face. The frames of the glasses have small LEDs which emit infrared light. The infrared light goes unnoticed to our human eyes, so you can wear the glasses just like an everyday pair. However, the camera picks up the light which causes it to  glows around your face so you cannot be clearly identified. 

Since smartphone cameras block infrared light, the glasses feature a "retro-reflective" material that bounces back the light if a flash is used.

These glasses could be the perfect fashion accessory for those paranoid over their image getting captured by Google's StreetView or getting tagged on social media. But they aren't expected to hit shelves anytime soon since AVG said the glasses are still in the concept stage.

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Photo: Soumyadeep Paul | Flickr 

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