It looks like everybody's favorite bro king will be joining the roster of Mortal Kombat X after all, as one NetherRealm developer confirmed that Johnny Cage will be playable in the game.

Johnny will be joining his daughter Cassie in the upcoming fighter. He had been rumored to be playable for a while, but we now have confirmation thanks to NetherRealm senior producer Adam Urbano, who confirmed Johnny's appearance in an interview with Game Crate.

That interview has since been taken offline, but not before the details had already been spilled. IGN reports that Urbano not only confirmed Johnny Cage but also that the blind swordsman Kenshi will be joining the roster as well. No word yet if Johnny will still be using his signature slime balls.

"You'll get to play as Johnny Cage, but we're also showing Cassie Cage, who is the daughter of Sonya and Johnny," Urbano said. "You'll get a chance to see Kenshi and a chance to see a couple more."

Urbano goes on to say that of all the recently announced brutalities in the game, one of Johnny's is his favorite, calling it "quick and brutal." Urbano also says in the interview that sillier finishing movies like babalities and animalities will not be appearing in Mortal Kombat X.

You can check out our Mortal Kombat X guest fighter wishlist here, as well as all of the game's confirmed fighters so far by following this link. If you are interested in learning more about the story of Mortal Kombat X, be sure to check out our weekly reviews of the Mortal Kombat X prequel comic from DC.

Mortal Kombat X releases for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PC on April 14.

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