Google Glass should be seen as an impressive wearable gadget that might just change the way we do things in the world. However, contrary to popular beliefs, Glass is far from perfect and isn't yet ready for prime time. Furthermore, some of strange things people say about Glass just aren't true.  

To set the record straight, Google has chosen to debunk many myths and rumors about Glass via its Google Plus page. This should bring many things into perspective, along with answering thousands of questions about what Glass is and not capable of in its current form.  

In the past, several folks believed that Google Glass is ready for prime time, since there have been reports of Google aiming to release the device by the end of 2014. However, the search giant is making it clear that this isn't the case at all. In fact, Glass, as it is right now, is just a glorified prototype -- an expensive one at that.  

Speaking of the expensiveness of Glass, Google also made it clear that many Glass Explorers, or Glassholes for short, are not rich by any means. Many of these individuals own a Google Glass device by way of IndieGoGo or Kickstarter funding. In addition, some were lucky enough to get one as a gift, while others got a hold of Glass by way of their workplace.  

Another myth going around is how much Glass is a surveillance device. This is a legitimate argument by the concerned public since the world learned of what the NSA is capable of. Still, Google is saying, this just isn't the case with Glass at all.  

"If a company sought to design a secret spy device, they could do a better job than Glass! Let's be honest: if someone wants to secretly record you, there are much, much better cameras out there than one you wear conspicuously on your face and that lights up every time you give a voice command, or press a button," says Google.  

With every new technology that has the ability to gain mass appeal, there will always be folks who are concerned. The same thing applies to Google Glass, and no amount of progress will be made until society is educated on what it can and cannot do.  

Yes, some folks will be Glassholes, but these things should be expected, as not everyone is able to show self restraint.

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