On November 4, 2016, Marvel Studios is debuting a long-awaited member of its cinematic universe. That's the date that Benedict Cumberbatch will premiere as Doctor Strange — keep that date in the back of your mind for a minute.

Over on Netflix, Daredevil is racking up huge viewers. It's not good — it's better-than-we-deserve good. Daredevil is just the first of the four corners upon which team-up series The Defenders is being built.

The second series is AKA Jessica Jones, which is currently filming. Netflix and Marvel have yet to announce a launch date for it, but we can extrapolate from Daredevil's end-of-filming in January and April debut that Jessica Jones will probably premiere sometime this fall. We'll say October, maybe.

By that logic, the subsequent two shows will probably follow the same schedule. So Luke Cage can be expected probably around April 2016, with Iron Fist landing in October-ish of '16 (Iron Fist himself hasn't even been cast yet). Hang on to that last date, too.

Bleeding Cool is reporting a particularly cool rumor that they got from an inside source at Marvel Studios. The rumor suggests that Benedict Cumberbatch might just put in a guest appearance on the Iron Fist series. How awesome would that be? Also, it totally makes sense. Iron Fist is the one Netflix series that can delve into the supernatural, with a particular eye toward the mystical.

Who in the entire Marvel Universe is more mystical than Doctor Strange? It's a perfect crossover opportunity for Marvel. Netflix and Marvel both have made a lot of noise about how these TV shows exist in the same universe as the Marvel movies, but are isolated in their focus, so we viewers shouldn't expect crossovers from the movies.

If Marvel were to make just one exception to that rule, this would be a brilliant one.

Now, who remembers those two dates we mentioned before? Because the timing of them is crucial. Iron Fist might debut in October of 2016. Doctor Strange hits theaters November 4, 2016. Cumberbatch putting in a cameo appearance on Iron Fist would be a perfect little commercial for a character that most of the viewing public has probably never heard of.

That's some clever corporate synergy right there. Take all of this with one exceptionally salty grain of salt; it is most definitely classified as "rumor" and nothing more at the moment.

But it would be freaking genius.

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