Windows Phone is still in no position to compete with the likes of Android and iOS, but latest changes have shown that Microsoft is aiming to bridge the gap in features to help make the switch bearable for those who are coming from other platforms.

One of the key ways Microsoft is hoping to make a difference with its mobile platform is with the company's virtual assistant, Cortana. She can be found within the Windows Phone 8.1 developer preview, which is available right now for download.

While Cortana is new to the party, she seems to be ahead of Apple's Siri in a number of departments. Several head-to-head matches have shown that Cortana performs better with natural voice, while Siri seems to have problems here and there. However, Siri shows its age and experience by performing a lot better with third party apps. Cortana, on the other hand is unable to send a mere tweet.

When it comes to Google Now, well, both services are similar in what they can do, though Google Now has proven to be much smarter, due to the amount if information it has access to. Still, there is one area where Cortana beats out Google Now, and that's in the area of personality.

Google Now comes off as having a conversation with a robot, while Cortana feels more natural. Things should get even better after Jen Taylor, voice actor for Cortana, finishes her voice recordings for Microsoft.

"It's about getting you quickly and efficiently to Google's services. It's not about personality," said Microsoft's Marcus Ash, Partner Group program manager. "There's just something really delightful that makes people smile about having an anthropomorphic personality inside this assistant."

Microsoft is hoping Cortana will be a top selling point for anyone who looks at a Windows Phone 8.1 device in the coming months. However, is this virtual assistant capable of moving devices for Microsoft? It is likely.

Cortana comes from the highly popular video game franchise, Halo, which has a huge fanbase all around the world. It is likely many fans would consider purchasing a Windows Phone 8.1 handset just for the chance of having Cortana calling them, Master Chief.

At the end of the day though, Microsoft will need to improve Cortana greatly to be considered a true competitor to Google Now. As of now, Cortana is better than Siri in many areas, but that could soon change before the end of the year.

Microsoft will have its work cut out if it wants to transform Cortana into the best virtual assistant for mobile devices.

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