Last year, Square-Enix announced at Sony's E3 press conference that Final Fantasy VII would finally be making its way to the PlayStation 4. Only, not that Final Fantasy VII. While everybody in attendance and watching from home longed for a complete Final Fantasy VII remake built from the ground up for PS4, Square-Enix instead announced the PC port of the game would soon arrive for Sony's current-gen gaming console.

It's a dream many a gamers have shared ever since Square-Enix teased the world with an impressive tech demo that imagined a Final Fantasy VII remake running on the PS4. That was year's ago, and ever since the idea seemed simply too good to be true.

This year's E3 press conference was an entirely different story. Square-Enix did actually announce a current-gen version of the classic RPG, and boy does it look beautiful. The bad news is that it is likely still several years away. Considering Final Fantasy XV has been in development for more than nine years, don't expect this remake to be here anytime soon.

That PC port they announced last year? That version is thankfully coming much sooner.

The original game in all its glory will be released digitally on PlayStation 4 this winter. Square-Enix's website lists the game at $15.99 and still mentions the PC-only features, like the character boosters and achievements, on the game's store page. Whether or not those features will be included in the PS4 version has yet to be confirmed by Square-Enix.

Sure, playing original version of the game isn't nearly as exciting as the news that the game will soon be getting a complete graphical overhaul, but for hardcore Final Fantasy fans it will go a long way towards making the wait for the remake a little more bearable. The game will also be coming to iOS devices later this summer.

UPDATE: This story originally stated Final Fantasy VII would release on PS4 Oct. 16, citing Square-Enix's website. Square-Enix now tells Game Informer that date is incorrect and that the game will coming out this winter. The story has been updated. 

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