"The wandering wolf of Oregon" may have finally found his mate. 

This animal, designated OR-7, has been traveling alone on a journey of more than 3,000 miles. In September 2011, he left his pack in northeastern Oregon, and traveled across the Cascade Range. Reaching California three months later, he became the first wolf seen in the Golden State since 1924. 

As wildlife biologists tracked the animal, a fan base developed on the Internet for the wolf. Now, it appears the solitary animal may be settling down with a mate. 

Trail cameras in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest between Oregon and California spotted a black female wolf in the same area as OR-7. 

"This information is not definitive, but it is likely that this new wolf and OR7 have paired up. More localized GPS collar data from OR7 is an indicator that they may have denned. If that is correct, they would be rearing pups at this time of year," John Stephenson, wolf biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, said

Wildlife researchers want to wait before taking photographs of young pups, so they do not disturb the young animals. If the animals have paired up and successfully breed, biologists believe pictures of the wolf puppies may be available in June or July. At that point, the newborn canines would be just one month old. 

Any puppies born to the pair would be the first wolves born in the Oregon Cascades in almost 100 years. 

Of 64 wolves known to live in Oregon, nearly all live in the northeastern corner of the Beaver State. The male wolf was born there in April 2009, and was collared with a GPS transmitter in February 2011. Since March 2013, OR7 has spent his time roaming around the southwest Cascades. 

Oregon Wild, a conservation group, held a contest for children to give the wolf a more interesting name than his official designation. Young people voted to name him "Journey," in honor of his long trek. Wolves will sometimes leave their packs in the wild in search of mates. The Huffington Post wrote the animal may be the world's most famous wolf. 

"OR-7's story is as much about humans as it is wolves. Most American's treasure wildlife and our natural heritage, and the odyssey of OR-7 demonstrates that when we honor those values, great things are possible," Rob Klavins, Northeast Oregon Field Coordinator for Oregon Wild, said

A photo sequence taken in May 2014 of OR7 in the wild is available online. 

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